Community Town Hall Updates

First, we would like to thank all of you who responded to our mailings and who attended our meetings about the new Community Town Hall proposal. Thank you also for the questions you raised and the feedback given about the project. We want to keep you updated on our big project!

Frequently Asked Questions

• Why are we voting to approve a building valued at $1.2M when the new Community Town Hall is only expected to cost the town $600,000 after using the town’s capital reserve and State grants?
The difference is in the way bonding works. The town is required to bond for the entire building value of $1.2M. This will ensure financing for all costs is guaranteed regardless of any unforeseeable events. While we are confident that we can successfully utilize the town’s capital reserve and the grant money, we must guarantee, or bond, for the full amount of $1.2M up front. Once the construction is completed we will pay down the bond using the Town Capital Reserve of $250,000 and State grant money of $350,000 to a final bond amount of $600,000.
• Why are we proposing building a new Community Town Hall?
Our current temporary location, a doublewide trailer, is insufficient in many respects, including Americans with Disabilities (ADA) shortcomings, Building Code issues, limited energy efficiency, space constraints with limited privacy, safety and security deficiencies (personnel & records storage), limited parking, an inadequate septic system, and limited space for the Town Board to meet.
West bloomfield building
• What are the benefits of the proposed Community Town Hall?
Your previous and ongoing feedback has been important to our current proposal. The Community Town Hall building would be a 3,800 +/- square foot single story building that would meet our current needs. It will be composed of simple slab on grade with a wood frame construction and built with cost effective materials, including vinyl siding, an asphalt shingle roof, and modest interior finishes. It will contain a Community Room/Board Room that will allow for multiple community uses for seniors, Scouts, youth groups, etc., and will give us space for future expansion if necessary.
• Where would this new Proposed Community Town Hall be located?
The new proposed Community Town Hall would be located on Town-owned property adjacent to Prouty Park. Therefore, there will be no additional cost for property purchase, and shared parking with Prouty Park will help to keep proposal costs lower.
• What are the requirements for Public Bid?
New York State Prevailing Wage Rates, Union scale, must be followed, and so must the Wicks Law regarding Multiple Prime Contracts. This means that separate contract bids must be held for each of the following four categories: General Construction; Plumbing; Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC); and Electrical. Minority and Women Business Enterprise (M/ WBE) goals may be involved to comply with potential grants. There are also increased reporting requirements for publicly funded projects.
• What is the schedule & steps to be taken based on the proposal results of a YES vote on November 6th?
The Public Referendum for this proposal is entitled, “Proposal Number One, Town Proposition One.” It will be put to vote on November 6, 2018. If this referendum is approved, the following events would take place.
                • Design Phase (12 Weeks)
                • Finalize Financing Package (Concurrent w/Design)
                • Bidding Phase & Contract Approvals (8 Weeks)
                • Construction Phase (26 Weeks)
                • Project Completion and Closeout (December 2019)