Local Organizations

American Legion Post #282    
2475 Route 65
Bloomfield NY 14469
Contact - Pete Rogers, Commander

Bloomfield Public Library 
PO Box 158 9 Church Street
East Bloomfield, NY 14443
657-6264 (voice) 716-657-6038 (fax)

Boy Scouts of America
Cub Scout Pack #56

Girl Scouts of America
Contact - Cheryl Saxby

Ionia Fire Department
8338 County Road #14
Ionia NY 14475
Website: http://www.ioniafireco.org/

Ionia Methodist Church
2120 Elton Road
Ionia NY 14475
Contact - Rev. Mary Rublee
Ionia Women's Club
Contact - Mary Twardokus

The Never Alone Club
117 Main Street
Bloomfield NY 14469
Contact - Nancy Seeley

West Bloomfield Congregational Church
PO Box 5 9135 Routes 5&20
West Bloomfield NY 14585
Contact - Corey Keyes, Pastor

West Bloomfield Fire Department 
2538 County Road #37
West Bloomfield NY 14585

West Bloomfield Historical Society
8996 Routes 5&20
Bloomfield NY 14469
Contact - Sue Washburn - 657-7060
Website:  https://wbhsny.org 

West Bloomfield Senior Citizens
Contact - Catherine Ferran 
Fire departments

Astronomy Section of the Rochester Academy of Science
Marian & Max Farash Center for Observational Astronomy
8355 County Rte. 14, Ionia, NY

We are Rochester’s “Astronomy Club” with our dark sky observational
center right here in Ionia. We are dedicated to helping our members and the general public appreciate
and enjoy the wonders of the universe, and to furthering the understanding of astronomy in the Greater
Rochester area. Members enjoy all aspects of astronomy, including planetary, lunar, and deep sky observing;
astrophotography; education, and public outreach; armchair astronomy; and more

North Bloomfield Community Association

The North Bloomfield Community Association will be having workdays on the building (1924 State Route 65) coming up in April and May 2024. We are continuing our efforts to preserve the building for future generations. Please keep an eye out in the Sentinel for our workday schedule. If you are interested in helping, please contact Doreen Haller at doreen@treeskiers.com.
We are looking forward to our annual Memorial Day parade. The parade starts at the corners of Route 65 and Quaker Meeting House Rd at 8:30 AM sharp. All First Responders, Military personnel. and Scouts are encouraged to join us. After a short service in the North Bloomfield Cemetery, please join us for brunch in the Community Association building. Please bring a dish to share. Coffee and juice provided. We look forward to seeing you there.

North Bloomfield Cemetery Association

1941 Route 65 - Honeoye Falls, NY

Nbca sign (003)
The North Bloomfield Cemetery, No. 35-021 was established in 1804 and then incorporated in May 1870. This picturesque property was originally donated by Captain Josiah Gates’ family.  There are approximately 140 veterans buried there beginning with the French and Indian War through current conflicts.

Ionia Methodist Church

Methodist church
At the Ionia United Methodist Church, 2120 Elton Road in Ionia, all are welcome to our services, fellowship times, & events!
Sunday Worship: 9:30 AM with a “Coffee/ Fellowship Time” after the service.
Tuesdays: our Pastor Rev. Dr. Robin Blair holds a weekly Bible or book study. All are welcome.
2nd Sunday of each month: Birthday Sunday, celebrating people’s birthdays that are in that month.
Last Sunday of each month: Pot-Luck Brunch after the service, with lots of good food & fellowship.
Check out the information & photos on our website: www.ioniaumc.org and on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/IoniaUMCNY